Friday, May 30, 2008

General Information Concerning Sinusitis

The term sinusitis is one many individuals have heard mentioned in the past yet may be unsure as to the true definition. Those who have been diagnosed with sinusitis may also be in the dark with regard to what causes sinusitis, the symptoms surrounding this medical condition and some of the more frequently cited treatment methods for sinusitis. It is important to look at all aspects surrounding this common medical condition in order to be better informed with regard to what causes it, what the most often cited symptoms are and how to treat sinusitis.

Where the Sinuses Are Located

Prior to delving into the true condition of sinusitis, it is important to know where the sinuses on an individual are located. The sinuses are in fact air chambers located behind the facial bones in the area around the eyebrows, cheeks and jaw. These air chambers produce mucus which is responsible for clearing the bacteria out of the air which one breathes in on a daily basis. The cilia, which are small hairs in the nose, are then responsible for sweeping the mucus out of the nasal passages.

Definition of Sinusitis

Now that the true location of the sinuses has been disclosed, it is now time to define the medical condition known as sinusitis. Sinusitis can be described as an inflammation of the sinuses. This is a condition which is quite bothersome to the individuals experiencing it and can be a bit painful as well. The severity of sinusitis is different with each case thereof and varies from individual to individual experiencing this medical condition.

Causes of Sinusitis

Many individuals wonder what type of things cause an individual to develop sinusitis. There are quite a few frequently cited reasons for coming down with sinusitis. The main causes of sinusitis relate to things which cause swelling of the sinuses or prohibiting the free movement of the cilia. Certain causes are a change in air pressure, change in temperature, use of nasal sprays on a frequent basis, swimming and smoking. All of these factors will somehow negatively affect the proper operation of the sinuses. Sinusitis can also lead to sinus infections whereby an individual suffers sinus problems due to bacteria or a viral infection. These often come about after an individual has just gotten over a cold.

Treatment for Sinusitis

There are ways individuals who are plagued with sinusitis can help themselves get over a medical condition of this type. Some treatment methods which are recommended for alleviating sinusitis include getting plenty of rest by lying on your side, drinking fluids including hot liquids, warm compresses or inhaling steam to lessen the pressure of the sinusitis, saline solution rinses and taking acetaminophen for the pain.

Acute Sinusitis

There is a particular type of sinusitis known as acute sinusitis. Acute sinusitis occurs when an individual is starting to get over a current cold and it changes course and gets worse as opposed to getting better. Some of the symptoms of acute sinusitis may include pain and pressure in the facial region, pain in the forehead when leaning down, stuffy nose, aching in the teeth and fever. The main treatment method for acute sinusitis is antibiotics.

Surgical Options

With regard to individuals who suffer from nagging chronic sinusitis, there are surgical options available. The main type of surgery is a nasal surgery meant to fix the problem. However, this type of surgery should only be considered in serious circumstances and should not be a treatment method for random incidences of sinusitis. Those who may wish to learn more about nasal surgery options for chronic sinusitis can speak with their medical health professional about surgery of this kind.

Preventing Sinusitis

For those who have suffered from sinusitis in the past or even those who may have never had it, there are ways to help prevent sinusitis from occurring. The first way is to avoid smoking. Smoking is a big cause of sinusitis and other sinus problems. Not only will quitting smoking help to prevent sinusitis issues but will also provide other positive health benefits as well.
Another way to help combat sinusitis and prevent it from occurring in the first place is to avoid excessive use of decongestant nasal sprays. Occasional use of sprays of this type may be alright for an individual; however, frequent use of decongestant nasal sprays has been linked to bouts of sinusitis in individuals.


Sinusitis is a medical condition which can range from slight annoyance to a painful persistent medical problem. The best way to diagnose and treat sinusitis is to inquire with one’s medical health professional regarding the symptoms being experienced to make sure that it is in fact sinusitis and see what the doctor can prescribe in the way of treatment methods.


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