Sunday, June 29, 2008

CISCO The human network

Pulling Out All The [Human] Network Stops in Router Launch
On the Business Communicators on Second Life Blog, contributor Linda Zimmer writes, " Cisco walked the walk yesterday by putting the brand squarely into the virtual spaces its next-generation router will power.
"Cisco went all out launching the ASR 1000, a new router technology that combines the new Cisco "Quantum Flow Processor" with a secure, scalable, compact, router. In essence, this is the network router that was built to power the Internet of Web 2.0+, virtual reality and our emerging visual, instant and media-rich applications (read high bandwidth applications)…
…"Here they have a new technology link in the chain that keeps us all connected, and Cisco actually launched it using all the very "stuff" that is driving the need for this technology – visual, rich, social, sharable media.
Yes, there was the big event in Second Life sporting everything SL has to offer: a music festival, streaming video, streaming audio, a cool "Quantum Shift experience" build, a launch announcement/presentation in SL, including the unveiling tour of the virtual Quantum Shift information space, and in-world "social press" interviews with Cisco executives.
And then there were the:
Flash-based micro web site with sound effects and video vignettes of network "uber users"
Video clips of uber users posted to YouTube
Creation of the tag "uberusers"
Flickr pool
EdgeQuest Flash game
Facebook Support Group for Uber Users Internet Addicts (546 members), with embedded videos, photos, EdgeQuest game link, discussion board invitation to submit Top Signs You are an Internet Addict
Online video broadcast launch events with Q&A in 19 languages (I believe there were three)
Three "follow the sun" Telepresence sessions for international customers
A web widget (although I have not been able to view it in my browser)
A social media press release
Customer videos in the Cisco newsroom
Podcast in the Cisco newsroom
"So, the Quantum Shift collaborative 'narrative' begins. From a 'virtual marketing' perspective, the narrative is a key "best principles" element. Cisco planted the seeds and integrated the methods for a collaborative narrative to emerge – not around the product, but around an idea.
"Clearly Cisco is marketing a product – how successful the product will be is a function of many market factors. But the "idea" transcends the ASR 1000 – and that is where Cisco has it all right – understanding the importance of narrative for its customers, and for its success of its product marketing.
"The ASR 1000 "idea" is: we’re all happier when our networks work better…
…"Cisco is clearly committed to the value of direct connections for itself and for network users at all levels. Cisco fosters community and deep listening relationships with their customers – and their customer's customers. Webster suggested it is the consumer who is leading the charge forcing new technologies and behaviors into the enterprise rather than the other way around. While this presents new challenges for the enterprise, it also means the influence of the customer goes well beyond 'the conversation' and reaches deep into the enterprise. Cisco embraces that influence strategically.
"Renaud believes 'talking to customers has been priceless' for Cisco in finding new markets for the company.
"Second Life alone has proved to be a learning ground for innovation for the company, according to Renaud, but it is only one channel Cisco uses to build its various communities. Webster says that SL is simply another way to engage its customers and ‘if it is important to our customers, it is important to Cisco.'
"Cisco will be participating as the narrative plays out in the connected marketplace. They are using the human network to empower the human network, so that we each can use it in our own personal ways. Yes. We're all happier when our networks work better."
Read the entire entry


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